New Homes Quality Board publish a Complaints Management best practice guide for developers
This guide aims to help developers to improve their complaints handling processes.

According to research conducted by the NHQB, a developer will spend an average of between £214 and £1,174 on handling each complaint (depending on complexity and the size of the developer), not including legal expenses, compensation payouts, and rectifying any defects. Furthermore, complaints that aren’t handled well have a clear impact on reputation and credibility.
The report was developed after the NHQB consulted with developers of various sizes to understand how complaints are currently being handled, the associated costs, and the challenges faced. As a result, the NHQB recognised the need for a comprehensive guide specifically for developers.
The report aims to assist developers in improving their processes to meet customer expectations, reduce service costs, and increase customer satisfaction. It is the second in a series of best practice guides specifically created for developers.
You can view the complete Complaints Management guide here.